Thursday 7 February 2013

Opinions of the team 3 from Gdańsk

  1. What are our quotidian problems in the nutrition? ... Our bad and good habits?  
  2. What does mean the Responsible Nutrition? 
  3. Could we do some thing in order to achieve increase awareness over how the healthy diet is important for living? ...some rules, advices?
  4. Do you know ERNA [The European Responsible Nutrition Alliance (ERNA)] ?
  5. Do you know EFSA  [European Food Safety Authority]?
  6. and FAO [Food and Agriculture Organitation of United Nations] ? 
  1. Our problem is that we eat rarely but too much what it's not good for our healthy. We should eat more often but smaller meals.
2. Responsible Nutrition means that we have to eat 5 times a day, diverse meals and lot of vegetables and fruit. We shouldn't eat in fast food, cause it's not
3. Yes, we could do something. We should have known that eat healthy meals affect very well on our healthy. We might do some sports, stay in the open air and if we go to shop we should know what we want to buy.
4,5,6. We have never heard about it. But we can find some informaction about this in the internet.

Made by : Julia Wójcicka, Aleksandra Serowik, Aleksandra Malkowska, Krawiec Paulina. :)

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