Wednesday 6 February 2013

Opinions from Gdańsk group 2

Opinions from Gdańsk group 2

Our good habits:
  • eating fruits and vegetables
  • buying products in local shops (no in supermarkets)
  • balanced diet.
Our bad habits:
  • don't eat brekfast
  • irregural times for food
  • eating fast-food
  • eating meals on the run
We think that Responsible Nutrition is something like life style.When we know what we eat we are responsible. We know how many calories,vitamins and nutritional value something has. If we buy products in our local shops we know what is right and fresh. We must know that each one is diffrent. Everyone must have diffrent diet becouse we have diffrent needs.Our weak points are fast-foods. Lots of  young people often go to McDonald or KFC. They don't thing about their  futhure. If now we often go to McDonald or KFC we can expect that when we will be old we will have health problems. We must be responsible now to be healthly in futhure. If we eat many fruits and vegetables, eat on a regular intervals we will be on cloud nine. We have never heard  about ERNA,EFSA,FAO. We checked this organisations in internet and we think that it is necessary and that everyone should use their advices.
Oktawia Miłuch, Isabel Reilly, Zuzia Bastrzyk

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