Sunday, 2 February 2014

Giving opinions about energy. Spanish Team

Hello everybody from Valencia!!!!

Nowaday, we waste a lot of energy that we don't need; water, electricity, batteries, paper... we could live with less of them. The result of our behaviours, consequences of this kind of life is the pollution, the greenhouse effect, fires of the forests and a lot of rubbish
We have to change our habits at home:
-Save Energy in Your Home Step 1.jpg
                             Reduce Your Consumption

  1. Turn down the thermostat. 
  2. Minimize the number of times you open the oven, refrigerator and freezer doors, or remove a lid from a pot
  3. Wash economically. Only use the washing machine when you have collected a full load
  4. Reuse water coming out of the tap that would drain otherwise. When you turn on the tap to wait for hot water, for example, put a container under the tap until the water is warm enough and then use the water in the container to water plants or use for other purposes.
  5. Turn off appliances and lighting. Turn off any appliances you are not using, especially by switching off lights when you leave the room.Turn off your computer

Save Energy in Your Home Step 9.jpgSave Energy in Your Home Step 10.jpg


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