Use energy saving lamps and solar panels, although this is more difficult because not anybody can use them in their house.
We should have a shower and not a bath because when we have a bath we spend more water than when we have a shower,about 200 l. and when we have a shower only 100 l.
Turn off the tap while we are soaping, shaving, brushing our teeth ...and we can use a glass when we brush our teeth.
Don't let the water run and use it only when we really need it.
If we have dishwasher and washer we should use them only when they are full.
We can recycling using recycled paper, and we can have some different bins at home to throw the rubbish (paper,organic,cardboard,pastic,glass...)
I think we use too much new technologies (because we can do many things easierly with them) and electricity at home and we don't care about it. If we do little things like these we can save energies at home.

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