Tuesday 16 April 2013


          Young people mostly buy clothes or something electronical. We buy it because we want to look cool or to pose. But do they know something more about them, except how to wash them or use them?
           I usually buy clothes in H&M or Primark. I know that  clothes from H&M are made in Asia or Africa, but I know reality. There aren’t good conditions. But I’ve read that  H&M strives for better workplaces. But Primark has ethical trading; they employ people from other countries, they care about women’s health and they give them lessons. Also, their clothes have very good quality so I really like them. 

    In polish school we learn how to read labels and understand them. But sometimes I just don’t know. I mean, I know how to wash clothes or clean shoes but I can’t understand one thing. On the label there is sing „All natural” or „from only ecological fabrics” but on the same label there are „made from toxic or plastic fabrics”.  It makes me (and not only me) so confused. 

     Eco-style to live is lifestyle, which I think that shoul be more popular in Poland. It means for me to live in harmony with the Earth. And with other people too, of course. But it means that we should buy only ecological food, not junk. From small shops, not big supermarkets. We should buy clothes from natural and ecological fabrics or from second-hands.  Try to safe the energy, light and water. There are small things we can do to live in Eco-Style.

      We can choose food in reuse packets and boxes. We can buy  food in greengroceries, not in supermarkets. We can take material bags or baskets and not takes plastic bags!

    by Basia Swadzyniak and Oktawia Miłuch

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