Monday 15 April 2013

The opinion of group one

1.We haven't know about The Detox campaign  but now we started to read it and to understand it.We think it's very necessery campaign because beautiful fashion shouldn't cause toxic pollution...Sometimes our clothes are making or washing in toxic water and then all truth comes out...Many people want to help but they don't know how...We would like to help too...

We know what is Fashion Manifesto 
and we would like to help and use these rules in our life.The fashions  bloggers all around the world want to change the way of making and washing clothes.These clothes should be healthy and not dangerous to us and our environment. The bloggers  are very influential and they can do it with our help.

Aleksandra Serowik
Agnieszka Chetkowska
Aleksandra Malkowska
Julia Wójcicka
Paulina Krawiec

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