Tuesday 19 March 2013

To be aware: Toxic water pollution and clothes

1-Do you know what The Detox campaign is?

 The Detox campaign launched in 2011 to expose the direct links between global clothing brands, their suppliers and toxic water pollution around the world. Fieldwork and investigations in manufacturing countries, along with the testing of branded garments for traces of hazardous chemicals, resulted in the release of groundbreaking reports that exposed the toxic truth behind our clothes.

2- Do you know what  the Fashion Manifesto is?

It's a global movement of fashionistas, activists, designers and bloggers united by a belief that beautiful fashion shouldn't cause toxic pollution. They want the clothes we wear to be as stylish and authentic as we are. This is the Detox Fashion Manifesto:
  1. We believe that brands and suppliers must act immediately to stop poisoning waterways around the world with hazardous chemicals.
  2. We recognise that this will not happen over night, and want brands and suppliers to be transparent about what chemicals they are releasing into the environment on the road toward toxic-free fashion. It is our water, we have a right to know.
  3. We believe in rewarding and collaborating with honest and progressive suppliers and brands, and will encourage others to do the same.
3- You can visit: 
-    Clean Clothings                                 http://www.cleanclothes.org
-     International Labor Rights   http://www.laborrights.org/

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