Tuesday 29 January 2013

Opinions of the team 3 from Manises

  1. What are our quotidian problems in the nutrition? ... Our bad and good habits?  
  2. What does mean the Responsible Nutrition? 
  3. Could we do some thing in order to achieve increase awareness over how the healthy diet is important for living? ...some rules, advices?
  4. Do you know ERNA [The European Responsible Nutrition Alliance (ERNA)] ?
  5. Do you know EFSA  [European Food Safety Authority]?
  6. and FAO [Food and Agriculture Organitation of United Nations]
   1-We eat few vegetables and fruit and we are getting used to junk food and they have a lot of calories and then burn it not for the little exercise we do. 

   2-   Responsible Nutrition is eating the food more suitable to our needs. Do not eat too much or snacking. You have to eat the right amount of each food group

  3- Some rule: Shop Smart—plan meals, use shopping lists and avoid impulse buys. Don’t succumb to marketing tricks that lead you to buy more food than you need, particularly for perishable items

  4,5,6-Not aware of any of these organizations but we think are good to raise awareness of good diet and we promise to investigate about it.

Adrian, Victor, Marta V., Carla y Maria: team 3  

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